I have dabbled in Cryptic Crosswords on and off since I was a teenager. I was never any good, only finished a handful in years of trying. But in November 2008 I slipped on a greasy tree root whilst walking Arry and managed to break my right leg in quite spectacular fashion, fibia as well as tibia in 3 places. On coming out of hospital, I couldn't get comfy enough to concentrate on my other on-line passion, Poker, so I was looking for something else to do.
And so it was that whilst helping Maureen with her Times crossword, it dawned on me to search the web and see what I could find. I found tons of stuff. In particular I found that several U.K. newspapers published their Cryptic Crosswords on-line complete with software which allows on-line solving. So that was what I started doing.
After several months I became far better at solving than I was, to the extent that there are some of the Guardian's setters I actually expect to complete. That improvement was assisted by the good people of Fifteen Squared, a daily set of blogs giving, and discussing, the solutions to all the major freely published newspaper puzzles.
Then, I was talking on the phone to a fellow CWR volunteer when he mentioned that a) the magazine editor was short of material and that b) he had thought of submitting a crossword once before but couldn't finish the construction. Hmmm I thought.
So, I searched the web for crossword software. I didn't want to pay for it because I was only intending doing the one puzzle, just to help our editor out, hence my search was restricted to the freebies. A word to the wise, most freebies can be ignored. They presume that any old grid design will do, hence you create a list of clues and answers and the clever software fits it into a grid. If you want to stick to the grid rules of the major newspapers, this is a totally useless approach, and if you are doing cryptics, sticking to those rules is a very good way of ensuring a fair grid.
I did find a couple of primitive tools that each did part of the job. I even went to the extent of writing a wrapper program which attempted to assist in using those two programs in combination! It was all rather clunky and unsatisfactory, but it was better than nothing!.
Then a friend on Fifteen Squared asked if I had seen Crossword Compiler. Now this is NOT the famous one that costs money, this is from Spoonbill Software. Now this was, IMHO, a pretty fine application with the advantage of producing Across Lite files! Sadly, that version (4) still didn't allow all the sort of output I wanted. So I created another gadget to fill the gap. However, having susequently had some fruitful conversations with Mr. Spoonbill himself, (and assisting with the beta-testing!), there is now a new release of S.C.C. with all that I ever wanted included. Thank you Ian, job well done.
I like sharing my favourite clues with my friends who do different crosswords to me. Eventually, I created a browser gadget to give a simple way of showing the clue and only revealing the solution and parsing when the recipient was ready. That is so much more elegant than large amounts of scrolling down an e-mail! Recently, I expanded it to handle one or more clues. To share new clues, I just edit the clues part of the Javascript in the HTML file and distribute.
That is all very well, but wouldn't it be nice to make it easy for non-techie friends to produce instances of that gadget without frightening them with having to look at the HTML source? Quite. So I have devoloped another gadget which produces the first gadget via a simple interface which is not too dissimilar to the target gadget.
Download the Generator (CSG Setup.exe) gadget from here. Sample the delights of a generated Clues gadget with this 3 clue instance